High level of personalization for your e-mails, landing pages and text messages using Twig syntax.
Get List of Twig Templates:
Endpoint: GET /api/twigTemplates - Returns a list of twig templates.
Get a Specific Twig Template:
Endpoint: GET /api/twigTemplates/{templateId} - Returns details of a specific twig template using the template's ID.
Create a Twig Template:
Endpoint: POST /api/twigTemplates/new - Allows you to create a new twig template by sending data in the body of the request.
Edit a Twig Template:
Endpoint: PATCH /api/twigTemplates/{templateId}/edit - Edit an existing twig template. If the template doesn't exist, it will create a new one.
Delete a Twig Template:
Endpoint: DELETE /api/twigTemplates/{templateId}/delete - Deletes a twig template based on its ID.