High level of personalization for your e-mails, landing pages and text messages using Twig syntax.
You can use any contact data and unlimited Twig syntax to create personalized content.
Just follow 3 simple steps
{% if contact.affinity == 'private' %} <p>This is Private Content</p> {% endif %} {% if contact.affinity == 'b2b' %} <p>This is B2B Content</p> {% endif %} {% if contact.affinity == 'agency' %} <p>This is Agency Content</p> {% endif %}
We have special offers available for our legacy customers, as well as for those who choose to upgrade to Mautic 5 or want to purchase more like one plugin.
Once you receive a confirmation email, you can download the latest version of each bundle using the provided link.
1. Just copy the plugin to plugins/YourBundleName
2. Clear cache: run from console php bin/console cache:clear
3. Reload plugins list: Run php bin/console mautic:plugins:reload
4. Regenerate assets php bin/console mautic:assets:generate