Let's AI do some work.
Click on any text block and choose Magic AI to improve the text, translate it, fix spelling and grammar or many more.
Just click to magic icon and choose
subject suggested with AI.
All prompts are editable Just go to the right configuration menu to edit or add new prompts
To use AI, you only need the API key of the AI provider. In this case, you will need an API key from Open AI, which you can obtain here. You need to buy some credits, but for your needs, just a few dollars are enough at the beginning.
Once you receive a confirmation email, you can download the latest version of each bundle using the provided link.
1. Just copy the plugin to plugins/YourBundleName
2. Clear cache: run from console php bin/console cache:clear
3. Reload plugins list: Run php bin/console mautic:plugins:reload
4. Re-generate assets: Run php bin/console mautic:assets:generate
Next, go to the Plugins section of Mautic and set up (enable) the plugin.
We have special offers available for our legacy customers, as well as for those who choose to upgrade to Mautic 5 or want to purchase more like one plugin.